Planting the Seeds of Hope in Christ and Producing Disciples
Jesus said, “Unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many new seeds.” John 12:24
Here at Plains Church, our goal is to die to ourselves daily and plant our lives into our community.
Biblical Teaching for the 21st Century
You’ll hear biblical teaching which is grounded, practical, and relates to your everyday needs and concerns.
For instance, we use up-to-date Bible translations that speak the language of 21st century people – just like you.
Easy to understand … easy to apply.
As a result, you’ll leave our service with down-to-earth ways to put to use what you learned.
Blended Worship for a Welcoming Atmosphere
Our worship doesn’t conform to any particular label, such as traditional or contemporary. Instead, we take what’s good from many styles to fuel our service so it’s lively and welcoming.
Also, this label-free attitude extends to those of us here at Plains Church. That’s because we aren’t concerned about who you are… where you’re from… or what you’re wearing.
Come as you are… we look forward to seeing you!
Plains Church is part of the Wesleyan Church. For more information on the Wesleyan denomination, click here.